A coaching partnership guides you through developing your optimal health vision . This is created through a Self-assessment Tool based on the Duke Integrative Medicine's Wheel of Health.
The Wheel of Health shows that we are not separate parts. We have many factors that make us the person we are at this moment. It provides a framework for you in creating a personalized health plan that is as responsive to your current health needs as they are adaptable to your future health. The assessment provides a holistic view of your health and your life. We may want to lose weight, quit smoking, or communicate better, but barriers preventing lasting success in those areas may be due to conflicts in the other aspects of your life. Who we are is an integration of these parts. |
The contents of this website is intended for educational and motivational purposes only, and is not to be interpreted as a substitute for medical advice. Information on www.oceanihc.com is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. It is not intended to substitute for the advice, treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed professional. Always discuss Health Coaching and exercise with your physician prior to starting.